Hair Transplant - Consumer reviews about cosmetic treatments and procedures

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Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant
A) Worth it
B) Not worth it
C) Not sure
D) I did not try but I'd like
E) I never tried and I never will
FUE (follicular unit extraction) is a minimally invasive method in hair transplantation. FUE uses an instrument to remove multiple groups of one to four hairs. There’s no linear scar.
Hair Transplant, Classical Method
A) Worth it
B) Not worth it
C) Not sure
D) I did not try but I'd like
E) I never tried and I never will
Hair transplant (hair restoration or hair implantation) is  the process of permanently restoring hair by transplanting new follicles  into balding or thinning areas. Strip harvesting, the traditional technique in which a strip of skin is removed from a donor site and cut into individual units.
Robotic Hair Transplant
A) Worth it
B) Not worth it
C) Not sure
D) I did not try but I'd like
E) I never tried and I never will
Robotic method used for minimally invasive hair transplantation indicated for men with black or brown straight hair.
Beard Hair Transplant
A) Worth it
B) Not worth it
C) Not sure
D) I did not try but I'd like
E) I never tried and I never will
Beard Hair Transplant by using FUE method
Eyebrow Transplant
A) Worth it
B) Not worth it
C) Not sure
D) I did not try but I'd like
E) I never tried and I never will
Eyebrow Transplant by using FUE method      
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