Why do foreigners go for treatment in Russia - News of aesthetics methods - Consumer reviews about cosmetic treatments and procedures

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Why do foreigners go for treatment in Russia

Published by in Medicine ·
Tags: medicaltourism
If in Germany full diagnostic examination costs between 1500 to 15000 euros, in Israel, ranging from 4500 to 6000 euros, while in Russia the same service costs 380-1200 dollars. Even more profitable for the Europeans, services in the field of reproductive medicine, ophthalmology, prosthetics and orthopaedic surgery.

Medical tourism last year brought the Russian budget in the order of 10 billion rubles. As stated by Advisor to the Minister of health of Russia Igor Lanskoy, to obtain medical help arrived around 10 thousand foreigners.

Qualification of doctors and equipment in Russia — at the global level, and prices below, which is why aliens choose our country.

So if in Germany full diagnostic examination costs between 1500 to 15000 euros, in Israel, ranging from 4500 to 6000 euros, while in Russia the same service costs 380-1200 dollars.

Still more profitable for the Europeans, services in the field of reproductive medicine, ophthalmology, prosthetics and orthopaedic surgery.

Comments chapter SBD NII Health Organization and medical management David Melik-Guseynov.

\"In Kurgan in the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology in the halls I have met Americans treated at the Federal Center. And my question is, what are doing here English-speaking people, the Chief doctor answered that Yes, they have to undergo any elective surgery, hip replacement, other problems are multiple more. But even with the flight, taking into account any costs themselves and their relatives during heavy operations, it all pays off. In Moscow, a very big pacientopotok goes from abroad for service with èkstrakorporal′nym fertilisation. ECO technologies in Moscow are much cheaper than in other countries. Therefore, everything that is related to high technology, it is serious surgery, transplantation, in vitro fertilization, here costs we are lower than in many countries of the world, even lower than in major Chinese clinics and quality we do not lend, so pacientopotok for these profiles is growing today.

IVF procedure in Russia in two or three times cheaper than in Europe. 55% of applicants for its implementation — the Italians, because Italy has until recently been a ban on in vitro fertilization. About 20% are England — there's a long queue for donor biomaterialom. 15% is from Israel, in their country of rigid age limits. 9%-Germans. 2% of Americans. They are low Russian prices. Willing to travel abroad and the services of plastic surgeons. Plastic surgeon says Oleg Baniž:

-today we have, indeed, a large number of foreign nationals, but they either our former compatriots who left in America, Germany and other countries, then our former Soviet republics, for example, the Baltic States, Ukraine. As for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery, now coming to Western congresses, we see how the level Europeans different from ours — below. Our congresses, which are held on the territory of Russia, in terms of research and learning, much higher. And now foreigners come to Russian congresses rather than we go to Europe. The exception is the IFX, is the U.S. Congress, it is very interesting, because the pace of development in America and Russia in the field of aesthetic medicine estimated similar, and Europe has already gone on the second or third plan. I am visited by Americans, Germans, French, English.

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— On aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery, we have somewhere 15%, it is very much in the past two years.

Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said in August that the inbound medical tourism last year grew by 21%, in the first half of this year — at 35%.
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